Susan K. Roth, P.E.
2024 TSPE Travis Chapter Engineer of the Year
With the encouragement of her parents and a high school chemistry teacher in Richardson, Texas, Susan Roth found an early interest in engineering. As a result, she earned her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. While at Texas A&M, Susan received the Distinguished Student Award, was a member of the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society, served as President of the Student Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers
(SWE), Chaplain of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, and a representative of the Student Engineering Council.
Following graduation from Texas A&M, Susan worked as a graduate engineer for CH2M HILL in Houston and then transferred to the Austin office to simultaneously attend graduate school at UT Austin. She conducted her laboratory experiments and original research activities through a partnership with Cornell University and presented the results of her master’s thesis on groundwater treatment at the International Association of Water Quality Conference in Paris, France. She continued working at CH2M HILL and then Carollo Engineers, where she primarily focused on water treatment plant design and disinfection issues. During this career period, Susan served as the National SWE Student Activities Chair, overseeing all student chapters in the U.S.
Susan currently serves as President of Susan Roth Consulting, LLC. She specializes in developing regional water plans and solutions for cities, counties, river authorities and water districts, as well as securing attractive financing and grants for the project implementation phase. Prior to starting her business, Susan managed business development and multiple water and wastewater projects within corporate services at the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). She has conducted numerous regional and complex infrastructure master planning efforts (water, wastewater and drainage) throughout the state since starting her business in 2007, as well as during her years at LCRA. Her experience has also included working on the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Water and Flood Plans for various regions, as well as participating in the City of Austin 100-Year Integrated Water Master Plan.
Susan enjoys the role of serving the public and continues to be actively involved in the community, professional societies, and serving as a mentor to young women. She is a graduate of Leadership Austin and Leadership LCRA and has served on numerous board appointments and task forces for the City of Austin over the past 15 years. She is a past board member of the Austin Women’s Symphony League and currently serves as President of the City of Austin Onion Creek Metropolitan Park District Board. Most recently, Susan was appointed as Co-Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Advisory Council of Texas A&M University, which provides support and counsel to the Department Head on critical issues and challenges facing the profession. Susan has also been a long-time member of ASCE, starting during her undergraduate years and throughout her professional career. She is a past President of ASCE Texas Section, past President of the ASCE Austin Branch and currently serves on the ASCE Region 6 Board of Governors.
Susan lives in Austin with her husband Steve (also a PE) and their high school daughter. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family and enjoys playing the piano, cooking and traveling.
2024 EOY Nominations
The TSPE Travis Chapter Engineer of the Year Award is the highest honor given to an individual TSPE member. Eligibility is restricted to engineers whose sustained and unusual contributions have improved the public welfare and the advancement of his/her profession. The candidate should be an engineer of recognized standing, preferably registered, and a citizen of Texas. ​Per tradition, the EOY is selected by a committee consisting of five previous EOY recipients.
Do you have someone in mind for 2025? Applications are due December 13, 2024.